ULV System

Design and characteristics

Geno ULV sprayers consist of a plastic tank of 5 litres (or 10 litres) and a spear spray mechanism. Its operating controls are easy to control, which make it ideal for use in plantations and as a crops sprayer.

The spray is a power tool that receives energy from  two 1.5 volt batteries (3V). A set of batteries is sufficient to cover a full day of work.

The herbicide solution flows by force of gravity from the tank through the tube and nozzle to the spray.

The herbicide is fired from the diffuser disc  forming an "umbrella" of millions of droplets large enough to fall rapidly on weeds, using the appropriate spindle crop characteristics.

 Coverage is approximately 5-6 hectares of land per day (1.6 - 2 acres with hydraulic backpack). The spraying time is about 50 minutes per Ha. The coverage depends on the situation and condition of the ground and organizing the spraying process.

The engine that drives the diffuser disc has a duration of more than 600 hours of operation. Geno ULV sprayer with one engine change is sufficient to spray for one year (1200 hours).

Worldwide controls have shown that the spraying technique of ultra-low volume (ULV) application as controlled by drops (CDA) improves efficiency and increases spraying quality of glyphosate herbicides. The technique of controlled droplet spray provides a better spray coverage and increases the speed and quantity of glyphosate absorbed, resulting in a faster, better and more lasting control of weeds.

Trials in plantation crops consistently show that glyphosate herbicides work extremely well when applied to a controlled drop technique. The favorable toxicology and environmental characteristics of these herbicides make them ideal for use with an  ultra-low volume technique.

In selecting herbicides, always consider the efficacy, toxicology and environmental characteristics of crop safety and price, along with their effectiveness.




Geno Sprayers

The company was founded in Valencia in 1880 and is dedicated to the development, manufacture and sale of machinery for crop protection. We have been recognized by various institutions, both public and private, in the development of new products. We continue to innovate with all the latest technologies.


Ciudad de Sevilla, nº 48 Pol. Ind. Fuente del Jarro
46988 - Paterna - València

Tel. 96 132 24 62

Email. info@pulverizadoresgeno.com

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